Services for Holy Week 2024

Friday (March 22nd)6pm Great Vespers for Lazarus Saturday (Cancelled due to weather)
Sunday (March 23rd)No services currently planned
Sunday (March 24th)10:30am Divine Liturgy for Palm Sunday
Noon-1:30pm Palm Sunday Brunch
Holy Week
Monday (March 25th)6pm Divine Liturgy for the Annunciation
Tuesday (March 26th)6pm Healing Service
Wednesday (March 27th)6pm Vespers & Liturgy of St. Basil the Great of the Mystical Supper
Thursday (March 28th)No services currently planned
Friday (March 29th)6pm Eulogy Service (“Lamentations”)
Saturday (March 30th)No services currently planned
Sunday (March 31st)10:30am Divine Liturgy for the Holy Resurrection

February 11, 2024 — Cheese-fare Sunday

Icon of the Ladder of Divine Accent

Next Sunday: Falafel Sandwiches Fundraiser

Falafel sandwich and soft drink, $10

Lenten Services

Dear Parishioner and Friend:

As you note from our calendar, the Season of Great Lent is just ahead of us, beginning on Monday, February 12. Our plan again this year is to have Services on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6pm.  Wednesdays will again alternate Great Compline and Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts (beginning with Great Compline on Wednesday 14), Fridays will be Compline and Akathist, with the sixth Friday Vespers for Lazarus. Please plan to join us as often as you are able,

Thank you,

Fr. Paul